Optimize your Google AdSense Earning with Section Targeting on Blogger (BlogSpot).

Google AdSense Optimization

In this era of blogging, Google AdSense becomes the almighty God for all Bloggers who want to earn their livelihoods and make their dreams alive. It is easy to earn money from Google AdSense but only if you are passionate about blogging and its related field such as Social Media Marketing, SEO and little bit web designing. So where am I? To earn your livelihood from Google AdSense, you want a higher number of clicks and for clicks, you want relevant ads for your blog Content. But, sometimes due to lack of information available on web.

We (Bloggers) think that by adding Google AdSense on your blog gives you such ads which are relevant to your content, then I am sorry to break your dreams because sometimes Google AdSense bots could not find the exact density of your content due to less text on your content in comparison to your website other widget content such as popular post, comments, etc. which makes google bot’s task difficult. So, today I am going to share an article with all my Blogger (BlogSpot) users on how to optimize your Google AdSense Earning with Section Targeting?

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But before the beginning of my article, I am going to explain all those naïve persons on blogging field about Section targeting and how can it helps Google AdSense to bring relevant content for your blog’s content?

What is Section Targeting in the field of Google AdSense Optimization?

Google Adsense Section Targeting

As the name says “section targeting”, it refers to Google AdSense bot about your content section. Actually, what am I saying here is that when you have applied this thing in your Blog. Google AdSense bot can easily find that when your content starts and when your Content ends in your blog article page. This effect helps google AdSense Bot to find relevant ads for your content which automatically helps you to get more clicks for your content and when you get more clicks on your ads then gradually your Google AdSense Earning also increases. Now, let’s move to the part of implementation of Section Targeting on your Blogger (BlogSpot) blogs.

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How to implement Section Targeting in Blogger (BlogSpot) Blogs to optimize your Google AdSense Earning?

To optimize your Google AdSense Earning through Section Targeting, you have to follow the given steps as mentioned below.

Step 1: To get a section targeting effect in your Blogger (BlogSpot) blogs, you have to add the given codes in your Blogger template.
                                              <!-- google_ad_section_start -->
                                                      Your Content here
                                              <!-- google_ad_section_end -->

Step 2: So, let’s begin. First, open your Blogger (BlogSpot) Blog’s template (before changing anything in your blog template, take a backup of your blog template).

Step 3: Now, a webpage appears on your screen as shown in the image below.

Papa Blogger Template

Step 4: After that, type Ctrl+F on the workspace and find this code <data:post.body/>”. You can see the demonstration of this step in the above image.

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Step 5: Now put “<!-- google_ad_section_start -->” in the starting of “<data:post.body/>” and add “<!-- google_ad_section_end -->” behind of “<data:post.body/>”. Your code looks alike as shown in the image below.

Google AdSense Section Targeting on Blogger Template

Step 6: After that, Repeat Step 4 to find all remaining “<data:post.body/>” and as mentioned above in step 5, add the section targeting code on all “<data:post.body/>”.

Step 7: After adding a section targeting code in all “<data:post.body/>”, save your blog template and open any article of your blog.

Step 8: Now, type Ctrl+U to view “page source” of your blog article, you can see this section targeting code in the starting and ending of your blog content as shown in the image below.

Google AdSense Section Targeting Starting

Google AdSense Section Targeting Ending

That’s all my friends.

If you got any interesting news and updates on how to optimize Google AdSense Earning. Kindly, share with us by commenting below…

About Author

Gaurav Sharma

 is a Co-Founder of PapaBlogger-Just One Step More and his fiend of working is SEO. He loves to write about SEO techniques, Blogging tips and Social Media Marketing Tricks. If you like the author’s than you can find more interesting stuff by stay connected with him on Facebook, TwitterGoogle plus and LinkedIn.