In Need of SEO Services? 5 Things to Look for in a SEO Service Provider

When you're evaluating your options and looking to improve your revenue from your website organic SEO is a very tempting option. But just because you see the value in getting the search engines to send you more traffic, doesn't mean you should jump at the first SEO Company to handle your efforts. Here's some suggestions that will help you pick the right company, the first time.

Don't Choose the Cold Caller

Always kept this point mind when you are in the way of finding SEO service provider. When you're running a business and have done a decent job of making your contact information available to your potential clients you're also opening up yourself to the inevitable sales call for online marketing. They will tell you about the "site audit" they just completed, and outline how your current site and efforts are failing at targeting keywords. Don't trust them.
Why would you trust a company to do your SEO if you're not actually finding them through the search engines? If they are a legitimate marketing company that you can trust, then you should be the one searching and finding them, not the other way around. Don't reward their outdated business model that relies on paying salesmen who don't actually know anything about real SEO processes and would say anything to get their commission.

Don't Trust Your Uncle's Recommendation

We've always got a surprising surplus of advice and recommendations from friends and family when it comes to internet marketing. The friend who built his own site recommends you just do it yourself, your brother's former roommate suggests his sister's brother who built a couple of sites for a college class. As well-meaning as these recommendations are, you can't entrust the future of your business to anything less than an accountable, trusted source with a real reputation and portfolio. Taking a moment to review the companies’ site of SEO service provider, their previous clients and their blog posts will give you an idea if your "SEO" company is up to date on current practices, and actually practices what it preaches when it comes to executing their services.

Follow Them on Social Media

The world of SEO is changing and now "social signals" are not only a potential signal for search engines to use for rankings, but also are strongly correlated with improved rankings and traffic. That's not to say that just posting to social media will give you the traffic and rankings you're seeking, but that it's not enough to just put up a website and wait for the traffic to roll in. The Orange Soda PPC experts suggest that by reviewing how your prospective SEO Company uses its own social media, you can get a taste of what they might suggest for your own efforts. If they have no profiles, just the occasional directly promotional post, or worst of all are spamming on social media then you should re-consider them as a SEO service provider.

Get a Basic SEO Education

While the world of SEO is changing constantly there are some standards that can help you determine if you're being fed a line of BS from a potential vendor? If you're sold on link farms, spun content or buying links then you will know to run as fast as possible. This isn't to say you need to become a professional yourself. In fact, you do need to give up control at some point and them make and execute recommendations but you should at least read some core SEO blogs before knock the door of SEO service provider like Moz, Search Engine land or Search engine journal so you can make sure they pass the "sniff test".

Get It in Writing

A handshake deal can leave you and your SEO Service provider in a bad situation down the road. You need to express your expectations, they need to confirm if they're actually reachable and you both should have a structure for reporting and measuring your success. Yes, SEO can take time, but there are other benchmarks you can measure while your campaign is taking shape. Take the time to have your provider layout a plan, and how they plan to reach it.

Let it Ride

Once you take these steps, you can feel more confident in your choice. You can give your provider the freedom and cooperation to execute the discussed plan and give you the improvement to your revenue.

About the Author

 He is a technical blogger and loves to blog. His writings includes new and interesting techies related to SEO , SMM and many other fascinating facts about blogging world. Follow author on Facebook, , Linked In , Stumble Upon, Pin interest.