Why Social Sharing Service Buffer got hacked? Try to help instead of laughing and enjoying.

Buffer app

Buffer- A platform famous around the globe for its performance and trust. Every company and business use buffer for their work. Buffer allows you to schedule your post and article for best possible time across the different time zones. By which a company can engage their products and brands. So that your fan and followers see your updates more often.

We are in the world of intranet, everyone say this service is fully protected and that one is more secure but when we pass through the Hack world and the first rule of hacking is “Nothing is fully Secured and Protected ”. Why we are talking about hacking because the day 26 October 2013 now listed the Black day for Buffer app and its whole team.

Founder and CEO of Buffer Company Joel Gascoigne mention the all automatic posts were halted, posts by his Twitter account on Saturday 26 Oct.

Twitter Tweet of Joel Gascoigne:-
Look like @buffer has been hacked and there is a nasty scam being posted. We are posting all posting and investigating right now. Sorry

Joel Gascoigne Tweet

Facebook API keys revoked by Buffer so that new users can’t access Facebook authentication to add the applications.

According to last news came from buffer, mention that we are working with Facebook the integrity team to track down the source of the hacking attack.

Buffer Tweet

When Buffer team knows about hacking?

This issue appeared few hours ago when buffer users complain that “Scheduled twitter tweets are disappearing automatically from their dashboard” while many users complains that “they are unable to login into the service”.

My suggestion for you

1. Remove all social media links from buffer till this issue not solved completely or remove this application from your social media.

2. Keep in touch with the Buffer team on twitter for latest update and check your emails regularly.

3. Don’t try and add links till full and secure information.

4. No need to change your social media passwords: - Buffer mention

Support the service if you can instead of make fun, they give you awesome service. Now it’s your time to help and encourage them. They are responding every tweet because they care for you and love their audience.

Buffer response Everyone

Why Buffer Got hacked?

Till now, no good news came from the Buffer side about this but they are working with Facebook and Amazon team to resolve this issue and making it more secure.

I am with you buffer team try your best.   

About the Author

 He is a technical blogger and loves to blog. His writings includes new and interesting techies related to SEO , SMM and many other fascinating facts about blogging world. Follow author on Facebook, , Linked In , Stumble Upon, Pin interest.