Guest Post: Boost your Keyword Ranking- Social Media Signals

Social Media Signals

Once upon a time, you created a great content and it was detected by search engines. You would get good keyword rankings naturally and all was well. Then, spammers figured out that keyword stuffing, link wheels, and other shady techniques gave their sites artificial authority and started abusing the system. Google has been forced to change its algorithms numerous times as a result, and new factors have been added to verify sites' authority.

An important factor to consider in today's online world is social media. It has been confirmed by Google that social media signals, which are actions like sharing or liking content on social media sites, affect keyword rankings of your content. Here are the few steps you need to take to improve your rankings by taking help through social media signals.

Understand the kinds of Social Media signals:

Kind of Social Media Signals

There are many types of social media signals on various websites. For example, on Facebook, some social media signals include liking, commenting on, or sharing links to your pages or fan page. On Twitter-Twitter followers, retweets or tweets that include your brand name or URL are social media signals. On other sites such as Pinterest, social media signals might be pinning or repining an image that links to your site. In general, the social media signals that take the most effort (such as sharing content) are worth more than those that take less effort (such as liking a page).

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Make an effort to slowly build your Social Media Signals:

Slowly Build your Social Media Signals

If you want to start building social media signals, start off slow. Ask ten or twenty friends to help you out by liking, tweeting, or +1ing your content. Get one or two of them to leave a social media signal each day for a month and you'll find your rankings jump dramatically after a few days or weeks of consistent signals. Don't artificially manipulate it by creating a dozen of your own fake accounts, though.

Reach out to the authorities for help:

Reach Out to the Authorities for Help

One great way of getting social media signals is reaching out to the authorities in your niche. If you don't have an authority Twitter or Facebook account, page, or group, look at those who do. The authority of those sharing your content is examined when it comes to weighing the influence on your rankings. A page with thousands of followers may be more willing than you think to share great content.

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Provide a comprehensive, long page to share:

Provide Long Content to Share

Make sure you're asking people to share a page that is very worthwhile. The page or post that gets the most comments and attention is probably worthy of consideration. Long pages rank well because there is more content to dig into and index, but you should use keywords early in the page to make sure your post will rank for them.

Engage in conversations, don't just broadcast:

Engage with your Followers

If you want to get your content shared, one great way to do it is to focus on sharing great content in general. If you retweet others' useful content and create a useful timeline of interesting and relevant information, people will be likely to retweet your own links as a way to thank you. You will also get more direct traffic as people begin trusting what you send.

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Include easy sharing options to increase Social Media Signals:

Social Media Sharing Buttons

If your posts don't already have social media widgets, install them today. You can use Sharethis and addthis Social Media sharing buttons on your website. People should be able to share your content through the social media of their choice in just a click or two. If they don't see the visual reminder to do so, they might not do it at all.

Social Media signals are increasingly important in determining what content is important and what isn't. It can be tempting to stay in your box and only ask for shares on Facebook, but diversifying a little and asking people to share on their preferred platform is a great idea. Maintain friends on Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus at the very least, and make sure you're getting social signals from a variety of sources.

About the Author:

Lorraine Gray is a brand marketing consultant. She also enjoys blogging about her knowledge and ideas.  (SEO by )